MTS Globe Group & Fundación Exit

Almost a year ago, we partnered for the first time with the organization Fundación Exit.

Fundación Exit​ is an organization that works to secure employment for young people at risk of social exclusion through innovative training projects. By partnering with them we had the opportunity to welcome Alicia Espino into our company for a period of 2 months and introduce her to the tourism business as well as to her first job environment. Recently we met with her to find out what she’s up to.​

​A year later, we meet again

Alicia, who is 18 years old, recalls how nervous she was when she first arrived at the MTS Globe Group offices, but as days passed by her confidence grew. One of her main highlights was the opportunity to gain different skill-sets from everything she did and all the people she met. She got to know several departments and understand the company’s workflow.
After a while, it was clear for her that in the future she wanted to be a tour guide. Previously she was hesitating between studying to become a teacher or chef. During her time with us she realized that the tourism business fits her personality perfectly. Being a very emphatic person, she enjoys meeting all sorts of people and helping the​m.
Alicia’s mentor during her time with us was our Head of the Legal Department, Karen Casademunt. Alicia says Karen’s guidance was so important to her when she needed advice, whenever she was stuck or didn’t know how to proceed. According to Karen this was a very rewarding experience, but also quite demanding. At times it was challenging to provide Alicia with all the time and attention she wanted to give to her. Karen feels very proud of the support she and the company in general were able to give to the teenager.
We are all extremely happy to see the positive impact this experience has had on Alicia, who is preparing to become a tour guide by studying English and German. On top of that, she told us she is trying to help her friends also focus on their education and future. Thank you and see you soon, Alicia!
As this experience has been so positive this year we are cooperating again with Fundación Exit. Our colleague at Human Resources, Lourdes Barros, is mentoring Daniel Saca. He is 16 years old and he is currently participating in the programme with us.​

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